Second Life Page

Dealing with Mental Illness in Second Life
27 February 2014

It's always sad when someone you love takes a turn for the worse. Even more terrible is when they turn for the worse and you don't even know their real name. Or where they live.

More Happiness in Second Life than in Real Life?
08 January 2013

We're not ready for an Era where people prefer Virtual Experiences to Real Ones. But that Era seems to be here

A Visit to the International Space Station in Second Life
18 October 2012

The international space station is a huge scientific testing ground orbiting about 400 km from Earth's surface. The project started in 1998 with the partnership of United States, Canada, Europe, Russia and Japan...

Expo “A Dream within the Dream”
02 May 2012

Similarities and differences between Second Life and Real Life

In the land of Dreamland, has just been opened an interesting and inusual exhibition entitled “A dream within the Dream...

How I met Sheela Nagy and LabGraal
19 February 2012

Music is the universal langauge of mankind. It moves us with emotion, it makes us lose track of time as we get involved with the feelings it releases. Music is a medicine to soothe our soul, giving us an avenue to explore those deep hidden feelings.

Philip Rosedale Humiliated By Second Life Voice – SHOCK!!!
23 October 2013

Captured on a YouTube video saying he had been flailing about for an hour trying to get his voice working for a live interview in Second Life, company founder Philip Rosedale confessed to having endured a "crazy painful" struggle with the declining virtual world platform.

07 December 2012

This year the Dreamland Red Rose Clan joined in BURN2, the Second Life extension of Burning Man, a festival setting every year in Black Rock Desert in Nevada. Tens of thousands people are involved, creating from nothing a real town of creativeness...

Moving House in Second Life VS Moving House in Real Life
20 July 2012

I recently moved house in Second Life and was then faced with a move in real life. I have moved about four times in Second Life and countless amounts of time in real life so I decided to compare the two, regarding stress levels, time factors, management...

Relay For Life of Second Life 2012
12 April 2012

I have been very busy with the ongoing, Relay for Life of Second Life 2012!! and yes it's that time of year where myself and members of the Second Life community gather together for four and a half month's of fund raising for the American Cancer Society search for a cure for cancer.

Interview to Elin Egoyan
09 February 2012

I’ve heard lots of times that SL is just a game, a “reality” where only fantasies live, a fake world made of illusions. I don’t agree with that; if you’re able to open your eyes and see through the glass, if you can put aside the prejudice, a part of your own world will appear…


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