28 January 2012

Vickie Maidstone at the Editorial Office of Shan Newspaper in Second Life
by Vickie Maidstone
My name is Vickie Maidstone and I am a member of the online community known as Second Life. It will be my pleasure to bring to you bits and pieces of what I do in Second Life and to share thoughts and ideas with you world wide. I have to tell you it's been really interesting since the first day when I logged into Second Life and the rest as we say is history. A little bit about me. As we say my Rez date was October 24th, 2006 to which I recently celebrated five years of existance in a virtual world, gee has it been that long already?? Anyway, it was a bit trying as I first got into the world and found myself in a strange place and there were other people there who also joined or had been there a while. I was looking around and found myself in what I found out was a welcoming center for new residents. I had tried to walk and fell into the water below to get to this center and was frantic but was able to get out of the water and fly to the welcome center and was greeted by another resident. I didn't know anything about using the chat windows and this same resident told me in a private message what to do as far as communicating with him. Once we finally gotten to talk to each other I was a little bit upset and logged off, not knowing what I had done or tried to do. It's was couple days later when I relogged and found my new friend again waiting for me and he gently went through the basics of what I needed to know, and made sure I was ok. Over the course of the next several days I learned how to change clothes, how to teleport to different places and learned how to add each other to our friends list. I stayed at a friends house which was very nice and made more friends including one who is my big sister in Second Life and she and I are friends even in the real world today. I met another resident who had a house I could rent and went to look at it and rented it that same day, fixing it up with furniture and a work space so I could do something at least. I started going out, finding places and was amazed at all I saw, I spoke with another friend who told me about there was a virtual Dublin Ireland sim and went there and to the Blarney Stone pub. I heard this music and asked what it was and so happen it was celtic music I was listening to and since then, bagpipes and all I listen to it a lot. Another friend even offered me a job working at her club and that was my first job in Second Life. I became a hostess and dancer to which I still do to this day and make good tips. I became involved through another friend with the Relay For Life of Second Life and a mentor and member of a relay team to help raise money for the American Cancer Society fight for a cure for cancer. I can go on and on but will save more for the next issue, again it is my pleasure and honor to be a part of this magazine and it's my hope to last a long time. The next issue I will tell you how I met Sheela Nagy and LabGraal!