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Tesla’s Nightmare |
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16 March 2011 | ||||
The 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan March 11, 2011: an 8.9 magnitude earthquake rocked Japan as it struck off the northeastern coast. The worst damage inflicted to the nation of the Rising Sun since the end of World War II. Thousands dead, many other thousands dispersed, infrastructures in a clamp, food and water run low, and the woes go on and on. Dramatic images reach every corner of the globe through internet and in-field news coverage, while gruesome videos on Youtube reveal the horror of the cataclysmic tsunami as it crippled towns and everything in its way. Add to this the threat of nuclear holocaust and you have all the components of a disaster film at its best. All of this makes us feel horrible for the population of Japan, and we cling to the safety of our four walls, thinking “this cannot happen here.” Can it? Nikola Tesla, genius scientist and inventor, spanned the arch that linked the mid 1800s and 1900s. His works and intuitions are at the basis of a slew of modern-day technology, from simple AC current to optic fibers and broadband. The number of inventions patented by the Serbian-American fills volumes and offers breakthroughs that at his time seemed like science fiction; and only now are being fully understood in principle. So what does a brainiac scientist and the worst earthquake ever recorded in Japan have in common? To answer this question, two fundamental inventions of Nikola Tesla must be called into play. The first concerns the notorious earthquake machine, while the second is wireless energy transfer, which involves the conduction of electricity from the point of generation/harness to a set number of utilities without the use of wires of sort. At the turn of the 1900s, Tesla had conceived and manufactured a miniature earthquake machine consisting of a cylinder-incased piston without the use of a camshaft. This supposedly prevented loss of power due to friction. In essence, the machine is a reciprocating device that generated oscillations. Exploiting the principle of mechanical resonance by which a mechanical system absorbs more energy when the frequency of its oscillations matches the system’s natural frequency of vibration, thereby causing violent swaying motions and even possible failure, the pocket-sized device was able to stir up a great deal of havoc. It seems that Tesla even attached the device to his Manhattan Laboratory, whipping bystandars both in and outside the building into frenzy.
Tesla's wireless energy transfer methods proved controversial at the time, but were founded on solid practicality as he succeeded in his attempt by transmitting energy through longitudinal waves. Furthermore, he transmitted extremely low frequencies through the ground and via the Kennelly-Heaviside layer of the atmosphere - layer of ionized gas in the ionosphere at 90-150 km above the Earth's surface. He also managed to calculate the resonance frequency of the ionosphere at 8 Hz, later confirmed by researchers in the 50s. This meant that one could “home-in” on this frequency and transfer concentrated energy wave in various forms such as laser emission. Now let’s start to narrow the picture. Back in 1988, Bernard J. Eastlund obtained a patent for an antenna array to concentrate radio waves, which was the forerunner of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP is based in Alaska and it is jointly managed by the U.S. Airforce and Navy. Its main instrument of operation is the IRI (Ionospheric Research Instrument), which comprises a high power, high frequency phased array radio transmitter and 180 antennas. The term “phased” implies that the wave radiation can be directed in specific directions and while suppressed in others, so that you get a stringer flow in any direction desired. HAARP states that its main mission is to undertake research in the ionosphere for increased communication capacities along with observation of various atmospheric phenomena, which shall be treated in a future article. However, it seems that HAARP is also being used in what is called Earth Penetrating Tomography - a geophysical application similar to taking a giant CAT scan of a target section of the globe, put in laymen's terms. Now things start to get scary, so hold on. How does Earth Penetrating Tomography work? In practice, radio waves are directed into the ground and as they penetrate the various layers they send back a resonance signal that identified the composition of the underlying ground. The working principle is the “Resonance Effect”. Energy is directed into the Earth and it harmonizes so that the resonance sums to yield a sum of its total. This technique is often used to find gas deposits, oil wells, minerals, metals, underground water, etc.... Each material encountered by the waves send back a distinct signal, kind of like pulling a different chord on a piano. Accuracy has been achieved with only a mere 30 Watts of input energy, as stated by scientist Brooks Agnew. HAARP has a staggering 1 billion (1,000,000,000) watts at disposal! What HAARP does is release ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) Waves into the ionosphere where they enter into a synergetic resonance with the Earth. The waves penetrate the Earth and cause vibrations (resonance effect). 30 Watts sends back a signal, 1 billion Watts can cause violent vibrations, so severe that an area already susceptible to seismic activity can be gravely disrupted, triggering an earthquake. Think of a wooden bridges collapsing hours after soldiers have rhythmically marched across its planks, something similar gives way in this event.
This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. The spectrogram images are produced by computing the PSD (power spectral density) of successive 102.4-second segments of time series data, and plotting these spectra as color/intensity slices along a 24-hour scale. For the past week prior to the quake, HAARP has been turned off with the induction magnetometer looking something like this everyday: So, am I saying that HAARP is to blame for the quake?, no. One could question their intervention in this scenario by the mere fact that traditional U.S. enemies such as Iran should be on the earthquake list instead of Japan. Furthermore, other theories exist as to HAARP's very existence which may be beaming high frequency waves into the atmosphere as means of secret communications. Certainly the possibilities are various, but we must also remember the slew of quakes that have taken place from 2004 onwards, such as those of the Indian Ocean, Haiti, and the Qinghai Province in China. So, am I saying that HAARP can potentially and feasibly trigger a quake? - you bet your bottom dollar it can, regardless of the county you’re in. Let’s hope that this is only a Tesla nightmare that bears no consistency in the actual world. More articles to come on the issue. Bibliographic reference. |